As the warmer weather settles and the days gets longer, it’s time for us and (sometimes more importantly) our loved one’s motivation to kick into gear and get those garden & landscapes utilising hardwoods into place, for a life time of rustic or new aesthetic brilliance. Often seemingly like a challenge to use and work with recycled products such as hardwood sleepers; both used, rustic and new hardwood sleepers can be made enjoyable to use and highly rewarding once in place.

Weather New Zealand pine or used Australian hardwood, the recycled nature of Interlinks sleepers and beams with the standardised grading system allows for creative design and imaginative installation when pairing, joining and fixing these fantastic, environmentally sustainable landscape supplies. Some prime examples of matching pre-notched railway ties to create the ultimate rustic effect can be seen in this Huaraki, Auckland’s small wall build. Knowing the Australian hardwood, pre-rusticated from its previous life on the New Zealand railway network is incredibly strong and durable enough to maintain its beautiful colouring and character throughout the life of its surroundings made it an easy sleeper selection.
The ecological effect of one landscape at a time utilising recycled timber, beams and sleepers into gardens and landscape supplies has a tremendous effect in the perception of those that see these landscapes and builds, the market place of New Zealand & the worlds gardening materials as well as a fantastic cost effective option for a product that will be fit to serve its purpose for the very distant future. Used hardwood, rustic sleepers and beams just cannot be beaten; unless of course a sleeker and cleaner look is desired, as per Interlink Ltd’s recent client on the North Shore of Auckland, who wisely chose to implement some New A – graded Australian hardwood sleepers, untreated, beautifully coloured produced astounding results for a railway sleeper originally designed for a very contrasting use!

Steps, fences, walls, prominent and subtle features can all be easily achieved with the right (recycled or new) naturally durable materials. Once Summer arrives and we choose to relax a little more and enjoy the surroundings we (or our loved ones) have worked on through Spring, the small things like planted used half wine barrels , hardwood recycled timer furniture and sunshine make it all worthwhile.
For a lifetime of enjoyable surroundings, and the materials you need, take a look at our product section today. The team at Interlink Ltd is always keen to help your vision become a reality!