Easily constructed, simply designed, the perfect default? – A planter box.
Among the most common installations with railway sleepers in gardens and yards throughout New Zealand, the classic planter box, limited in its definition of a four-sided raised soil bed; has a plethora of variations, designs, applications and aesthetics.
The question will remain: what type of planter box would you like?
Full of amazing and subtle benefits, the raised garden in a planter box will likely increase yields, provide practical accessibility and with a new or recycled hardwood, will certainly be a highly utilised asset in the home & garden for years to come.

A tried and tested design application that anybody can achieve with stunningly – rewarding results. Initiated with only pen & paper, installed by almost anyone, this is a D.I.Y project that all garden lovers will want to call their own.
Self-watering, mobile patio & deck, hanging or raised, indoor or outdoor – the specific or complimentary functions that can be achieved are endless. More importantly, most planter box functions are super easy to achieve with a little bit of planning!
Through determining dimensions and aesthetics, the decision of what type of recycled hardwood to use will become an easy one with the product range and support from Interlink.
Used or New, untreated, A – Grade sleepers + built-to-last imported hardwoods each offer tremendous value for an installation that provides healthy & natural produce. Holding its structure and integrity until the last of the summer wine – so to speak.
Destined for a long-life supporting rail networks and structural integrity, a railway sleeper formed into a new or existing landscape will look right at home in a solid box format, ankle OR waist height.

The ergonomic benefits of a planter box, healthy home-grown produce and the invigorating lifestyle of maintaining a quality garden has a huge effect on our way of life as New Zealanders all season round.
Our ability to integrate our day to day living practices with simple yet beneficial gardens and living spaces contribute directly to how we feel, perceive and contribute to the world. The re-use of hardwoods & railway sleepers that have only just begun their life in designs throughout NZ towns and cities is a fundamental link in this chain. Our decision to recycle long-life goods into sustainable, naturally producing gardens is a subtle yet pivotal decision in creating, living and future-proofing a healthy & environmentally friendly life.