Nottswood Construction, Charteris Bay
Perched on the side of an exposed hill high above the sea of Lyttelton Harbour, this project gave us a stunning site to work with. The overarching goal of the design was to make the house appear to be hanging from the side of the very steep hill, which made for an impressive and dramatic effect. The choice to have exterior hanging stairs was an excellent and inspiring decision, and it was so exciting to see all that the client and Nottswood Construction worked together to achieve with this project.

In a bold and commendable decision, the clients chose timber instead of steel in many areas of the project. This added specific engineering requirements to the project, but also spoke to the sustainability of the design. Using timber instead of steel is one area where the construction industry can help to reduce the carbon footprint of the New Zealand building sector.
According to a study by the University of Washington, using timber instead of traditional building materials like concrete and steel can reduce carbon emissions by up to 60%. Timber itself is a sustainable material, as long as it is sourced from responsibly managed forests and processed in a sustainable manner. Therefore, using reclaimed timber in a construction project has a tremendous positive impact on reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. Well done to the client and builder for choosing reclaimed timbers on this project.

We used Interlink for our build over in Charteris Bay, and would highly recommend them for any unique landscaping jobs. Our clients wanted a great number of sleepers to use as stair treads, and Interlink always had enough high quality stock available for our build. Both our team and our clients were very happy with the end result that Interlink contributed to.
-Logan Nott, Nottswood Construction