NCTIR- KaikÅura Coast Street Furniture
This project along the KaikÅura coast aimed to create and showcase culturally significant artwork in the form of beautiful designed street furniture. In conjunction with North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR) and Fel Street Furniture, Interlink helped put together seating, picnic tables, bollards , wheel stops and cycle stands for this significant project.

The North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR) Alliance was formed by Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail to recover and improve KaikÅuraâs transport networks. The Alliance included four construction companies – Downer, Fulton Hogan, HEB Construction and Higgins. Through NCTIR, the four biggest reading firms in New Zealand began the mammoth task of rebuilding the earthquake damaged east coast transit route of the South Island.
The NCTIR project used over 480 individual railway sleepers recovered from Canterbury rail bridge structures. Interlink sourced, graded, decontaminated and milled these recovered timbers for this project, rehoming and giving new life to approximately 36 tonnes of timbers.

When developing a suite of furniture for the KaikÅura coast, we wanted to use materials that reflected the ruggedness of the coastline. The timber that Interlink provided proved to be an ideal choice. Their team was able to work collaboratively with our landscape architecture team at NCTIR right through the design process – from selecting the right timber, to coming up with the design solutions that achieved our design intent.
– Lawrence Elliot, NCTIR Landscape Architect