Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps motivate millions of people around the world to be part of the plastic pollution solution rather than the problem. After all, we all want a cleaner planet.
Here are some simple things you can do to have a plastic free July:
- When out shopping at the mall – refuse plastic shopping bags even where fancy ones are offered in boutique retail stores. Bring your own bag or choose a paper alternative and fill it up rather than taking a new bag at each shop.
- At the supermarket – avoid prepackaged goods wherever possible. Pick your own fruit and veges rather than grabbing a bag of pre-packaged ones. Always use a paper bag alternative when offered.
- Choose to refuse single-use cups and plastic bottles – ditch those sugary drinks forever and bring your own reusable coffee cup or dine in. Find a water fountain or keep a bottle in the car to refill when you need water.
- Plastic straws are never necessary!
- Avoid plastic wrapping by storing leftovers in reusable containers.
- Buy bars of soap and shampoo rather than those in bottles.

The annual event is now in its ninth year and it aims to one day rid the world of plastic waste. Anyone interested in taking part is challenged to reduce single-use plastic waste at home, work and school.
You can opt to stop single-use plastic for one day, one week or the entire month of July.
We’re in …. are you?